Life Story
My name is Morgan and I was born at Memorial Herman Hospital on March 23, 1998. I am my parents' first child and my grandparents first granddaughter, so in other words, I am the first of the first. I got a lot of attention from my grandparents and aunts and uncles because they finally got a baby in the family. Now I have 4 younger siblings and 5 little cousins. Everyone always tells me that I was a loud and cheerful baby that loved to play and eat. As a toddler I was very social and enjoyed going to daycare and playing with my friends.
Elementary was quite the adventure for me with lots of ups and downs. On the first day of every school year I would make my teachers a small craft out of popsicle sticks, paper clips or construction paper and would proudly present it to them, excited for the year ahead of us. I got in trouble a lot during kindergarten and 1st grade for talking constantly with my best friend, Paige. We spent a numerous amount of recesses sitting out on the "time-out wall," but we didn't mind much because at least we got to talk. I started 3rd grade in a GT class and that is where my strength in academics all began. My teachers consistently told my parents that I "had an old soul" due to my maturity and focus. 5th grade was a stressful year for my 10 year old self because it was the last year of recess and I didn't think I could handle it.
My parents made the decision to send me to the GT Academy at Quail Valley Middle School and although I was pretty upset about it at the time it has all worked out. I started 6th grade without knowing anybody and it was scary but I eventually got comfortable and started enjoying it. Middle School is a time when everybody is in their awkward stage and when I look back on pictures or reminisce over old jokes and memories I cringe at my gross little middle-schooler self, but I know that I really had a great time over the years at that old green and yellow school.
Currently, I am a Junior in the Math and Science Academy at Dulles High School and I have come a long way. I have 3 little brothers (Jared aged 14, Gavin aged 10 and Owen aged 6) and a baby sister (Addison aged 2). My household is hectic and crazy but somehow I manage to keep up with everything and everyone.
Next year I will be graduating and I still don't really have a plan for what college I want to go to or what I want to major in. My dream school is Stanford University in California, but I don't think I'll be able to get into it. I think I would like to get my degree in business or marketing or something mathy, but like I said I really have no clue.
I would like to be able to independently live on my own for a couple of years after I graduate from college and have time to live for myself and travel before I settle down and get married and have kids. Even though I don't want any kids now, when I'm older I might want a max of 2 kids. I would like to be retired by 50ish even though I don't really know much about that or if I'll be able to do that. I really would like to live in a small town like where my grandparents live once I retire. Hopefully I won't die until I am old and have a bunch of grand kids but you never really know.